I think it safe to say that we all understand how important reading and the ability to read well is to every individual in America! Your level of reading can open up doors or close them shut. Your ability to comprehend the English language can help you navigate life successfully and happily, or it can send you to jail. Understanding your language and its impact on those around you can give you freedom to choose the path you travel, or force you to work within limited options

All parents want their children to have more options and be happier in their life than they were. It is our duty as parents to set the stage for a life of learning and that starts with reading. Not every child gravitates easily to reading but I guarantee every child is interested in something that can be found in a book.

New England Tutors is offering a free book this month. Check out our offer here (sorry, offer has expired) along with all the exciting events going on this month.

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Support a Local Charity
Get some great learning toys and support a local charity, Camp CARD NE. Click here…..www.FatBrainToys.com/AotS
Get some great learning toys and support a local charity, Camp CARD NE. Click here…..
March Is Read Across America Month
autism awareness Month
Understanding Executive Skills Deficits
COVID Announcement
Executive Function and Academic Success
Leveraging Resources to Create Educational Success
NE Tutors Testimonial