Executive Skills Blog Series – 1

“Teach them to fish and they’ll eat for a lifetime.” This phrase came to mind as we were making preparations for our new offering at New England Tutors – Executive Skills Coaching. “Teach them how to learn” was one of the first concepts we had in mind as we started....

No Choice: They Are Both Important

If you live near a high school, you’ve probably already heard the marching bands practicing, the skirmishes in football, and maybe even the activities on the soccer and lacrosse fields. School is open, the teams are working and the spirit is soaring. But what about...

Tuition, room and board and…..how much more?

You’ve met the roommate, stacked the bunk beds, and taken him out for one last dinner. Before you left you loaded his bank account with cash. Quick hugs, and then, you drove home crying. Three weeks later, you get the first plaintive call asking for more money. If...

Testing…testing…1, 2, 3…testing. Testing?

Testing is in our lives, just about from the moment we are born.  In fact, we get two tests performed on us in the first 6 minutes of life: the Apgar Test. And from then on, it’s a race to the finish of each successive test. But of course, this is how we measure...

The decline in withholding recess as a punishment

My guess is that the most common answer to the question “What’s your favorite subject in school?” is RECESS. Well, maybe not the most common, but certainly at the top-of-mind for kids in primary school. I remember when I was a student, that breaks throughout the day...

Is it really a learning disability?

From our March newsletter….. In the 6 years I have been working with children and families in the tutoring world, I have seen a diverse community of needs, abilities and diagnoses. I have reviewed IEP’s and 504 plans, attended IEP meetings, parent teacher...
Free Initial Consultation
At New England Tutors we always start with a free and comprehensive student academic assessment. So send us a message today or call us at (844)-NETUTOR (638-8867).
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Support a Local Charity
Get some great learning toys and support a local charity, Camp CARD NE. Click here…..www.FatBrainToys.com/AotS
Get some great learning toys and support a local charity, Camp CARD NE. Click here…..
March Is Read Across America Month
autism awareness Month
Understanding Executive Skills Deficits
COVID Announcement
Executive Function and Academic Success
Leveraging Resources to Create Educational Success
NE Tutors Testimonial